5th Grade History: Historical Characters Dialogue Assignment.
The Assignment: You will be writing an interview for a news show where Bartolome de Las Casas interviews Pocahontas. Based on your reading of his book “Tears of the Indians,” what kind of questions would he ask?
Based on what you have read about Pocahontas, what would she say in response. What information about her life would she like to communicate?
Criteria: You dialogue should be a page and a half, at least (single-spaced, skipping lines in between each speaker). You should write in an interview format.
Interview With Las Casas and Pocahontas
Written by Veronica
Las Casas: Hello, Pocahontas. Thank you for inviting me into your abode. (Waves hands around room)
Pocahontas: You are very welcome. Thank you for coming! I can tell this is going to be a very successful meeting. Congratulations on your new book, Tears of The Indians. Your writing truly expresses that the Native Americans are normal and human beings. We, like in your book, are “patient, meek, and kind.” I especially liked the line, “This infinite multitude of people was so created by God.”
Las Casas: Thank You! It was a challenge writing the book, but my cause is making progress by enlightening the minds of Spanish and English people. I feel strongly about exposing the quote, “Abominable villainies of the Spaniards,” for it tells of the horrid things they have been doing.
Furthermore, I would like to ask you a few questions about your normal life before the English Colonists arrived in Virginia and the people you met.
Pocahontas: Oh, yes I’ve met many colonists, some of them quite cruel. Others were nice, including John Rolfe, who I am currently wedded to. Another colonist named John Smith, I have become very good friends with, in fact, my papa, or Chief Powhatan, has adopted him after I saved him from being executed by father. My father then adopted him for me as a friend. Later we figured out he was actually very nice.
Las Casas: Oh thank you for this valuable information, but I am still bubbling with curiosity. After saving John Smith, did he treat you normally? Did the English colonist realize that you and your tribe are exactly like us?
Pocahontas: Obviously not, Bartolome, they still continue to kill my people for very frivolous reasons, such as building a tent on “their land”, even when we were here first. *Shakes head sadly* Millions of Indians have been killed for really no reason at all.
Las Casas: I see, I cannot express my sorrow and sadness. I will try to do my best to stop this vile behavior.
Pocahontas: Thank you very much. If there is anything I can do to help stop this injustice, please inform me as soon as possible.
Las Casas: Thank you, and I will. Now, let’s move on to more positive things like, what do you like do for fun?
What is your idea of fine dining? *Crosses legs dorkily. *
How would you describe your personality?
Pocahontas: We farm, but we are mainly hunters. We use fish to fertilize our corn - fields. We’re excellent hunters, farmers, and food gatherers. We eat wild birds and game. The men hunt moose, caribou, beaver, otter, and other small animals. Women gather nuts, greens, and berries. The women also grow corn, beans, and squash. We also eat lots of rice.
Las Casas: Ooh, all that sounds very delectable. *Licks lips*
Pocahontas: Oh it is! We, like regular people, play games with kids, play ball and tag. I did so enjoy cartwheels too!
Las Casas: Very fun! Very fun indeed!
Pocahontas: Now, I would describe myself as adventurous and outgoing and brave. I’m always up for a good adventure like this one here.
Las Casas: Thank you for all this very important information, I will do my best to help. It was very kind of you to take your time! Thank you and farewell!
Pocahontas: Farewell! Thank you!