Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jessica's Art Critique Questions

he last waterfall at the very back that’s crystal blue. The color is prominent but is mostly covered up by fog.
2.)  I mostly notice the colors because I am a visual learner. The colors are so bright and cheery!
3.)  There is fog misting up throughout the whole painting. It’s very subtle.
4.)  At Niagra Falls there is lots of mist and it’s very refreshing as well. It’s important for a realistic painting to have realistic elements.
5.)  Contrast has been used throughout the painting by a very rocky structure and then melting right in to a serene, blue, waterfall.
6.)  What leads my eye is definitely the use of color and realistic elements.
7.)  The artist is definitely is a realist and like to suggest that in his work.
8.)  I noticed as I kept looking in the bottom right corner there is a subtle rainbow. This means even in your toughest days there is always a rainbow.
9.)  I noticed the rainbow because of the subtle pop of color in a blue painting.
10.)                 Serenity and tranquility
11.)                 Fall of Love, Peaceful Waters, Always a Rainbow
12.)                 I cannot express enough how much I LOVE this realistic waterfall. I love seeing pictures and paintings having to do with water. 

If you look below at Veronica's entry, you will see the form we used/the questions they answered for art critique!

Veronica's Art Critique Questions

"A Bigger Splash" by David Hockney

1.         1.The diving board stands out the most in this painting by David Hockney because of its warm color, yellow. It has the feeling something very lonely as if the person has “moved on”.
2.     2. It pops compared to the almost all blue and brown painting. It’s very drab and simple; it has almost no texture to it at all.
3.     3. There is a director’s chair in the back with no one sitting in it. The guy who jumped in the pool is a loner.
4.     4. Throughout the whole painting, everything is very simple and has no texture at all. Everything (dull colors, flatness) gives it the feeling of loneliness.
5.     5. Contrast has been used in very subtle ways.  The only one that is visible to me is that the picture is very lonely, and he or she has a very modern, glamorous house.
6.     6.The edge of the pool leads your eye across the picture from the director’s chair to the palm trees.
7.     7. He is a very abstract modern artist. He uses very simple techniques with barely any texture at all.
8.     8.There is a dried up bush by his house, which implies that he doesn’t care much about gardening and he doesn’t care or have time to water it.
9.     9.David Hockney probably wanted it to be less obvious so that the people looking at it would have to search closely.
1010. The feeling is almost definitely loneliness, and the painting shows that on the outside it may look like he/ she has a glamorous life, but in the inside he/she is very lonely and sad.
1111. Lonely Waters
1212. I like that the flatness of the painting brings out the feeling of loneliness.

WWe used this form to critique:

Artwork Critique Form


Write your ideas here. Give first impressions. Make guesses. Say what you see, donot say what you like, or don't like. Do not judge. Describe, analyze, and interpret.
l.  What stands out the most when you first see it? .
2.  Explain the reason you notice the thing you mention in number 1..
3.  As you keep looking, what else seems important? .
4.  Why does the thing you mention in number 3 seem important. .
5.  How has contrast been used. 
See Contrast Note - over.
6.  What leads your eye around from place to place? See Connections -over..
7.  What tells you about the style used by this artist? See Style -over.
8. What seems to be hiding in this composition? .
9.  Why do you think this  was partially hidden? .
10. Imagine the feelings and meanings this artwork represents? .
11. What titles could you give this artwork?.
12. What other things interest you about this artwork?.

form   ©  Marvin Bartel, 2002 
May be printed and copied for non profit classroom use.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Stem Cell Position Paper

This position paper was a challenging assignment, a joint effort between English and Science classes. Jessica took a stand on the controversial topic of stem cell research. Position papers must be short and concise but power-packed with information.

Stem Cell Research and Single Organ Transplants
By: Jessica Guerinot 

The United States of America should support stem cell research leading to single organ transplants. If a citizen of the U.S.A has a failing heart, kidney, and lung or other vital organ, that doctors should use the organs from stem cell research. Ethically doctors and medical researchers should limit the outcomes of stem cell research to vital organs.
            Embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are totipotent, which means they can become anything in the human body, from a skin cell to a kidney or heart. Embryonic stem cells are found in a blastocyst, which is a newly dividing zygote, a fertilized egg. According to Marcovitz (2011), stem cells have another source: “Stem cells can also be found in the bodies of newborns and adults as well” (p. 17). The adult stem cells are pluripotent, which means “the ability of stem cells to change any other cells found in the body” (Marcovitz, 2011, p. 19). Stem cell research has serious potential for medical innovation in the future.
 By conducting research and applying the results to medical cases, doctors could save the lives of many patients. According to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), there are currently 112,639 on organ donation waiting lists. Nancy Reagan, former first lady supports stem cell research by saying, "Science has presented us with a hope called stem cell research, which may provide our scientists with answers that have so long been beyond our grasp. I just don't see how we can turn our backs on this - there are just so many diseases that can be cured, or at least helped. We have lost so much time already, and I just really can't bear to lose any more." Overall, doctors could benefit thousands of people by conducting such research.
Stem cells can be easily made to benefit patients worldwide and help move the medical world into a more modern state. Altogether, stem cell research should be used for vital organs.

Jessica's Vitamin Infommercial

Health Infomercial
By Jessica

Advertiser: Have you ever been in this situation? (Flash to lady)

Lady: Oh, dang! My vitamins didn’t absorb properly!

Advertiser: That’s because you don’t know the difference between fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. Yes! There is a difference! Let’s talk to our scientist Dr. Guerinot

Scientist: Water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C, and B, need to be taken daily because they leave the body everyday in your…(points to cup of lemonade) urine. No, I’m just kidding! This is lemonade (takes a huge gulp) Never mind, this was a sample.  (Shows wiping tongue and lips) The small intestine is where vitamin absorption happens.

Advertiser: What happens is we put a piece of food in our mouth, saliva drenches it, then we start breaking down the food. I’m getting a message. Our scientist would like to tell the rest of what happens.

Scientist: Next, the nutrients move form the intestine to the rectum, and then from the buttocks region.  Fat-soluble vitamins however, like A, D, E, K need to dissolve in fat before they can make it into the body. When bile does it’s job and breaks down the fat, vitamins can FINALLY dissolve into the body! Fat-soluble vitamins don’t actually require daily consumption.

Advertiser: Now we’re going to welcome pop sensation Jessie and the Best to end on a better note! (Jessica and Emily dance party)

What Happens to Vitamins after you swallow them?

For health class, the girls read an article about Vitamin Absorption. Read the "info-mmercials" they wrote below for an audience of children.

Jan 17, 2012

Vitamin Absorption Script for Info-mmercial

Advertiser: Have you ever wondered happens after you eat your vitamins?

Little Girl: Uh… ‘scuse me what you talking about?

Advertiser: We chew our vitamins and cover it in saliva to help break it in to smaller pieces. That vitamin moves through the esophagus into the stomach, where stomach acids break it down. The vitamin then moves to the small intestine, (where it is absorbed) the large intestine, the rectum, and finally the anus.

Little Girl: (Plugs ears) AAAAAAAHHHH!!!! YOU SAID BLOOOOOODDD! (Runs away)

Advertiser: (Chuckles) Yes, er… yes. Anyway, when you eat salmon, for instance, all the vitamin D in it gets sent into your blood stream. Since all fat - soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K, stay in your body for up to 6 months, you don’t need to eat them everyday.

Little Girl: Eeew… salmon is pink and has big eyes. EEEEEWWWW!!

Advertiser: (Asks manager) Why is she even in this? Oh, hello again. (Waves at camera) Water- soluble vitamins that include, the big B group and the C vitamin need frequent consumption, or else you’ll run out of energy!

Little Girl: Can I go now, please?

The End


Which colony will you choose?

In History class, Veronica had an assignment to act as the Mayor of Jamestown Colony and the Mayor of Plymouth colony. Her task was to create a newspaper ad for the audience of English people, enticing them to move to the colony of her choice. 

New Jamestown colony is finally here! It’s rich soil is perfect for growing the best vegetables, fruits and tobacco. The breathtaking view of  the James River will make you want to stay here your whole
life! The friendly Algonquin Indians are already generously sharing their lush land with us! They have provided us with much food including sweet corn. The moist land is perfect for all, providing tons of water. It also offers anchorage in the convenient harbor. Everyone here still follows the Anglican faith, the official Church of England. Most of the Indians do too. Your young ones will have a great time spending their days playing in the green grasses and meadows. Jamestown is by far, the ideal place to live. 

Come stay at Plymouth Colony where you can praise God any way you want. The sparkling blue ocean has very good anchorage and tons of fish. The rich soil is great for farming. Without the helpful, friendly Wamponaog Indians, we wouldn’t have all the delicious sweet corn, yams, beans and much more! All of the colonists living here right now are cooperative, hardworking and helpful. It also has an excellent harbor. You can find lumber, build ships, fish, and trade for a living. Plymouth is located at Plymouth Rock. There is also tons of space for your little ones and things to do, like play in the fields of grass. Plymouth is the best colony to live at.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Veronica's Water Filter Lab Report

Jan 12, 2012
Final Draft

Lab Report
By Veronica Guerinot

Title: Cleaning and Filtering Water

Statement of the Problem:

One problem is that water is dirty. The water can be dirty with mud, soil and pollution. Veronica Guerinot wants to find out: how can people clean the water? Can the water be cleaned? Some filters are underground and they clean and filter the water that is being recycled from lakes, wells, and underground water that is being pumped from any of those. The Laguna Beach Wastewater Division is responsible for managing the sewage in the area. The Laguna Beach Water district regulates the quality of the water. The Water Quality Division of the City of Laguna Beach writes that they: “The Water Quality Division is responsible for implementing programs to eliminate discharges of pollutants to the municipal storm drain system and ocean.” In conclusion, there are many districts around the world, which recycle, filter, and clean water, so that humans can use it for drinking, bathing, and more. Veronica Guerinot is going to examine if it is possible to clean water through filters by doing a lab.


If water mixed with soil is filtered twice through a funnel and a filter, then the water will be cleaner. Most of the soil and dirt will be removed from the water.


1.     Spoon
2.     Coffee filters
3.     Water
4.     Paper towels
5.     Soil
6.     Three clear plastic cups
7.     Two funnels
8.     Notebook paper


First, stir a spoonful of soil into a cup of water, until the water is cloudy. Then place a funnel in a clean cup and place two of the possible filters, which include coffee filters and a paper towel. These two layers should be inside the funnel. Next, pour the dirty water through the funnel. Observe the water after it has passed through and record your results. Use the same dirty cup to prepare another cupful of dirty water. Now, place the second funnel in a clean cup and add two clean filters. This time, the two filters should be a coffee filter and notebook paper. The independent variable is the type of filter that is used. The dependent variable was the rate of how fast the water came out and the quality of the water. Now, observe the water and record your results.
Finally, compare how the two different filter systems clean the dirty water. Make an observation chart which includes Type of Filter System and Observations, split into two columns.

Results (Data) 

Table 1

Filter System

1. (Paper Towel and Coffee Filter)
We poured the mixture of dirt and water into the layered funnel, coffee filter, and paper towel. We watched it drip quickly into the plastic cup. The water came out with no dirt chunks in it, but had a slight yellow tint to it.
2. (Notebook Paper and Coffee Filter)
We poured the mixture of dirt and water into the layered funnel, coffee filter, and notebook paper. We watched it drip very slowly. It was dripping slowly from the notebook paper that held the water well instead of filtered it. The water had a yellower tint to it.

Both of the mixtures got thoroughly cleaned by the filters. They both had a yellow tint to them after it was cleaned, although number 2 had a more obvious tint to it. Number 2 also dripped out more slowly than number 1.  Number 1 poured out quickly.

The original hypothesis of Veronica Guerinot was correct. The water was cleaned very thoroughly after passing through 2 filters. Before it was cleaned, it was a dark cloudy mixture with dirt chunks throughout it. After it was cleaned, it was very clear, and only contained microscopic dirt chunks. The water also held a yellow tint. The filters were used like a strainer. At the end, the dirt chunks were still in the filter, but the water ran through into the cup.
Number 1 ran through the filter quicker and was more clear in color. Number 2 ran through slowly and had a more noticeable yellow tint.
Veronica Guerinot chose to do this lab because she knows that she will have to use this if the fresh water supply runs out. She will know how to filter water, so she will stay alive. Also, she will be able to help water pollution by helping filtering the water. She will be able to help reuse water by cleaning it. If Veronica Guerinot had poured more water into the filter and overflowed it, dirt could’ve escaped into the clean water collection. This did not occur during Veronica Guerinot’s experiment. Although, she did not precisely measure the amount of dirt going into the filters, this could have contributed to the yellowish tint.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Look How the Essays are progressing!

Check out the insightful final draft about Veronica's essay, the final product of our Stargirl unit! 

Final Draft
Jan 3, 2012

Stargirl Dynamic Characters Essay
By Veronica 

Stargirl is a dynamic character because she changes throughout the story. In the beginning, she is weird and stands out from the crowd. By the end of the story, she has the choice of who she wants to be and who she really is.  In the first paragraph, I’ll prove that she is a unique character. The second paragraph is about how Stargirl tries to fit in for Leo and how this affects her. Then, in the third paragraph, we learn if Stargirl was even accepted at the end, and who she decided to be. Stargirl is a weird, yet, kind, teenage girl. For instance, it’s a normal day at Mica Area High School, the place is sunny and crowded. You look down the hall into the cafeteria and see chaos, and in the middle of it all is a girl with a long pioneer skirt, strumming a ukulele, singing, “Happy Birthday!” to a poor red-faced ninth grader. This is Stargirl.
Stargirl is the exact opposite of the definition regular. She carries a rat instead of a dog with her. She wears long, flowy pioneer skirts instead of tight, short miniskirts, and she strangely knows more about you than you do about yourself. She sings, she sings in the halls and in the cafeterias. Stargirl lives in her own world. She follows her own dress code and “people rules”, “She wore an off-white dress so long it covered her shoes. It had ruffles around the neck and cuffs and looked like it could have been her great grandmother’s wedding gown.” (pg. 4) Will she change because of a boy or stay true to herself?
Stargirl is proud and happy with herself, but becomes less confident with this choice everyday that Leo convinces her to become normal. Stargirl shows up to school in in jeans, sandals, had burnt- red nails, and lipstick, painted eyes, all kinds of rings and humongous hoop earrings. She changed her behavior, and wore what she hated the most. She didn’t sing, she didn’t carry a rat or even a ukulele. Stargirl was gone, and instantly replaced with Susan. Susan became sadder and sadder with every passing day, pretending to be a regular girl. “She looked magnificently, wonderfully, gloriously ordinary.”(p. 139&140) Stargirl was confused and hurt that Leo liked Susan better. Should she change back and leave Leo or choose to be sad and have Leo and the crowd like her. Would she be accepted then?
Even though she melted into the crowd, Stargirl still stuck out, and so she was never accepted. She would always be different and people didn’t like that, they never accepted her fully. After seeing the real Stargirl, they would never accept her again no matter how much she changed. Her father got a job offer far away from Arizona in Pennsylvania. She took this as a chance to become herself again, even if people didn’t accept her. If people in her new town would like her, they were going to like her as Stargirl and only Stargirl. She showed up at the final dance before she left on a bike covered with flowers in a beautiful buttercup dress. Everyone stared and stayed a distance away as she danced with herself. A little while later, all you could see were people scrambling to cling on to someone else’s back and do the bunny hop…with Stargirl as the leader. People might never fully accept Stargirl, but they could at least have fun and treat fairly. Stargirl might never be normal, but at least she’s happy with it that way. By the end of the book, Stargirl learns many valuable life lessons.
She learned to be herself, or people might like her for someone she’s not. Stargirl took chances and was kind to everybody, and she was happy all the time. Teenagers never do random acts of kindness and they always try to fit in with the crowd instead of trying to be their selves… and they are never very happy. Why do you think the world thinks it’s weird to do acts of kindness or start singing when you want to? In Stargirl’s world it’s weird to walk down a hall and not stop and compliment someone or start friendly chats. Why is this normal in our world?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Remember this book? Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli!

In English class, Veronica compared the first few pages of Stargirl to the first few pages of Maniac Magee, both by Jerry Spinelli. Which was more intriguing, mysterious? Which pages made you want to continue reading the most and why? I like how Veronica commented on the author's writing style and use of punctuation as she supported her idea. 

Maniac Magee Paragraph
By Veronica

Maniac Magee is more interesting in the beginning because it begins immediately with a mystery, and several things you have to figure out. His parents died in a street trolley and people immediately started making up rumors. In Stargirl, the only thing that catches you in the beginning is the question, “Who gave Leo the tie?” In Maniac Magee you wonder about his parents and you want to know more about him. “And he had regular parents, a mother and a father. But not for long.” (p. 1) Immediately you want to know what happened to his parents, and to him after they died. In think it started off a lot more interesting because of the punctuation he used to. “And just like that. Maniac was an orphan. He was three years old.” (p.1) The short choppy sentences make it more dramatic and effective. I like Maniac Magee’s beginning better because of the big mystery element in it.

Interview between Two Historical Figures!

5th Grade History: Historical Characters Dialogue Assignment.

The Assignment: You will be writing an interview for a news show where Bartolome de Las Casas interviews Pocahontas. Based on your reading of his book “Tears of the Indians,” what kind of questions would he ask?

Based on what you have read about Pocahontas, what would she say in response. What information about her life would she like to communicate?

Criteria: You dialogue should be a page and a half, at least (single-spaced, skipping lines in between each speaker). You should write in an interview format. 

Interview With Las Casas and Pocahontas
Written by Veronica

Las Casas: Hello, Pocahontas. Thank you for inviting me into your abode. (Waves hands around room)

Pocahontas: You are very welcome. Thank you for coming! I can tell this is going to be a very successful meeting. Congratulations on your new book, Tears of The Indians. Your writing truly expresses that the Native Americans are normal and human beings. We, like in your book, are “patient, meek, and kind.” I especially liked the line, “This infinite multitude of people was so created by God.” 

Las Casas: Thank You! It was a challenge writing the book, but my cause is making progress by enlightening the minds of Spanish and English people. I feel strongly about exposing the quote, “Abominable villainies of the Spaniards,” for it tells of the horrid things they have been doing.

Furthermore, I would like to ask you a few questions about your normal life before the English Colonists arrived in Virginia and the people you met.

Pocahontas: Oh, yes I’ve met many colonists, some of them quite cruel. Others were nice, including John Rolfe, who I am currently wedded to. Another colonist named John Smith, I have become very good friends with, in fact, my papa, or Chief Powhatan, has adopted him after I saved him from being executed by father. My father then adopted him for me as a friend. Later we figured out he was actually very nice.

Las Casas: Oh thank you for this valuable information, but I am still bubbling with curiosity. After saving John Smith, did he treat you normally? Did the English colonist realize that you and your tribe are exactly like us?

Pocahontas: Obviously not, Bartolome, they still continue to kill my people for very frivolous reasons, such as building a tent on “their land”, even when we were here first. *Shakes head sadly* Millions of Indians have been killed for really no reason at all.

Las Casas: I see, I cannot express my sorrow and sadness. I will try to do my best to stop this vile behavior.

Pocahontas: Thank you very much. If there is anything I can do to help stop this injustice, please inform me as soon as possible.

Las Casas: Thank you, and I will. Now, let’s move on to more positive things like, what do you like do for fun?

What is your idea of fine dining? *Crosses legs dorkily. * 

How would you describe your personality?

Pocahontas: We farm, but we are mainly hunters. We use fish to fertilize our corn - fields. We’re excellent hunters, farmers, and food gatherers. We eat wild birds and game. The men hunt moose, caribou, beaver, otter, and other small animals. Women gather nuts, greens, and berries. The women also grow corn, beans, and squash. We also eat lots of rice.
Las Casas: Ooh, all that sounds very delectable. *Licks lips*
Pocahontas: Oh it is! We, like regular people, play games with kids, play ball and tag. I did so enjoy cartwheels too!
Las Casas: Very fun! Very fun indeed!
Pocahontas: Now, I would describe myself as adventurous and outgoing and brave. I’m always up for a good adventure like this one here.
Las Casas: Thank you for all this very important information, I will do my best to help. It was very kind of you to take your time! Thank you and farewell!
Pocahontas: Farewell! Thank you!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Science/English Interdisciplinary Unit

For 7th grade English class, Jessica is reading The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary Pearson, a young adult novel with elements of science fiction. The sequel to this book recently came out (The Fox Inheritance) and Jessica is excited to read that book as well. In class, we read a short story from the author which was from Jenna's friend Allys' perspective. We discussed this story and you can read the multiple perspective creative writing prompts below, which Jessica responded to.

In science class, we are discussing issues this book raises and gaining background on information about bioethics, stem cell research, neurons, and antibiotic resistance. Jessica will be writing a short "position paper on a similar topic. 

A.     Write from Allys’ perspective, her thoughts and feelings when she realized the truth about Jenna Fox at the time of the novel The Adoration of Jenna Fox.

Creative Writing Blogs
By Jessica 
Allys’ Perspective
It all made sense to me now. How Jenna could run so fast, was so strong, so smart, and so obedient. She was a creation not a person. An engineered machine. I sat in my bed looking at my stumps, my pallor skin, appalled she wouldn’t just let the world take her. Who would do this? Who would choose that…that lifestyle? Waking up every morning only to remember its not you fingers, not your heart? She mentioned she was in an accident, a terrible accident. Her parents! They knew she would die, and her father being the creator of BioGel figured he would try everything to save her…and did. He saved his daughter by replacing everything in her body.    I couldn’t believe it, I gasped. I had to tell the FSEB offices, they would be arrested for sure. For playing with life, blatant disregard of the law. I screamed only to find a tube in my throat. Tears welled up in my eyes. I held my breath and the monitor that made sure I had enough oxygen, started to beep immediately. My parents rushed in, their faces masked with concern. They removed the tube.
“What’s wrong?!” my mother screamed frantically.
“Nothing mom, nothing. I just need to tell you something,” I rasped.
“What, honey? Anything.”
“I need you to…to, turn Jenna in. She’s engineered, by her parents.”
I breathed  a sigh of relief as my mom nodded. The world shifted in front of my eyes and I slipped into darkness.

C.     Write from Allys’ mother’s perspective, as she decided to reconstruct Allys’. This scene will take place AT the same time as “The Rotten Beast” short story. 

 Allys’ Mom’s Perspective
After Mr. Fox told me he would save Allys   I was overjoyed. It was something I had never felt. This relief, this overwhelming sensation that everything would be okay. Everything was fine, Allys would live, my daughter would be living. When she woke up, it was the best day of my life. Until she was outraged. Bitter it wasn;t her body. Her body before had a stump for and arm, a stump for a leg.

Now she had long, slender fingers. He body was smooth and graceful. Her face was renewed, he long dark hair shiny and soft. He voice was a series of musical notes, entrancing. Dr. Fox told me she would be fast, so smart, and strong, she would still have her same memories and opinions though. Our Allys was her, living, breathing talking. When We brought her home she was stubborn. We had to lock her door, keep her confined. My husband was scare she would attack him. He spent his days out in the garden while I tidied and cooked tiptoeing around Allys’ feelings. Jenna came to the house one day. Allys looked at it and inspected it, it was ripe and fresh and absolutely mouthwatering, She peeled some of the skin and immediately put it back in the bag. She shuddered and went in to the garden. She ran. Allys ran. I never thought those words would leave my mouth. I sat down wondering how long it would take for Allys to realize we did this for her. How long she would actually want to run and play with her new arms and legs?