Friday, October 7, 2011

Freedom and Edna St. Vincent Millay's Poetry

As part of her Modern American Poetry lesson, Jessica learned about modernism and aspects that make poetry "modern" and American. She read "Recuerdo" by Edna St. Vincent Millay and "One Perfect Rose" by Dorothy Parker. Then Jessica wrote a poem about an experience related to freedom in her life. 


At the top
Waiting for the drop
Hair flying
Courage dying
Hearts beating
People freaking
Sweat at the brow
It’s starting…now!

The machine roars
Tracks quiver
We are pushed down the hill
Our body shivers
Not from the cold, not from being ill
But from the complete and total thrill

Rushing down
There is not time to think
My eyes are stuck open
Can’t even blink
My heart twists
My stomach churns
My hands fly up
I can’t believe
I’m finally free! 

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