Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Health Class: Sports Psychology and Visualization

Watch this movie about visualization: The Human Mind: Visualization


Which sport are you going to visualize?

What do you want to do?
I want to have better form and accuracy during my serve.

Now write the paragraph describing what you see.
I see myself throw the fuzzy green ball up in the air as I lean my weight onto my back legs. I lay my tennis racket on my shoulders, and when the ball reaches the highest point, swing. When I hit the ball it makes a soft thumping sound, my racket starts at 7:00 o’clock then twists over to 11:00 o’clock giving the ball spin. Then I transfer my weight to my front leg, and wait until I hit the ball to cross the line. I feel the wind on my cheek as the ball flies over the net.

Now check your paragraph: Vivid, detailed, positive, 5 senses.

Now spend 5 solid minutes with your eyes closed visualizing and rehearsing the same scene in your mind.

Congratulations! You just connected pathways in your brain and strengthened your muscles.


Which sport are you going to visualize? Swim

What do you want to do? I want to do a perfect breaststroke

Now write the paragraph describing what you see.
I have my hand on the blue tile wall. Its  a bit slippery but the cement side helps. My pink swim cap is pulled low on my forehead and my goggles are clear and don't have any water in them. My coach shouts go and I dive underwater. I taste traces of salt mixed with chlorine. I bring my arms forward as I start to lose are and do my underwater pull through ending with a quick dolphin kick. I pull through and kick my legs in froggy. I reach the wall with two hands and start off again. I repeat these movements again to the next wall. I am breathing hard.

Great writing, ladies!

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