Friday, November 18, 2011

Thirteen Questions and Thoughtful Answers.

 Jessica has read the short story collection, Thirteen, for English class. She shared her thoughts about one of the stories while learning about literary devices at the same time. If you ever remember feeling embarrassed in middle school, then you'll like this story. 
Bruce Coville’s “What’s the Worst that Could Happen?”
1. p. 8. As grandfather likes to………… fill in the rest of the quote.
 “He is…as my grandfather likes to say, the type of guy who can fall into a pile of manure and come out smelling like roses.”
Is this a simile or metaphor? What does it mean?
 “Smelling like roses” is a simile, but overall, it is a metaphor. It means he can get into a sticky situation, and come out just fine.
2. p. 10. Find the hyperbole on this page and write below.
“ I personally don’t know how the human race has managed to survive this long. “He is exaggerating to use his sense of humor to impress his friend and make himself feel better.
3. p. 12. Find the simile and write below.
 “Your words would be like nectar flowing into hungry mouths of my ears.” (also personification).
4. p. 16. Look up the definition of the word “parlay” and write below.
 When you transform into something new
5. Overall, how does the character grow and change as a person during the story? What new things does he learn about himself?
 He learns that he is more capable than he thought. He is capable of facing his fears. He was scared to act and hated to be on the stage; he was also afraid of being in front of his crush. He learned that he can overcome liking a girl and it is not that big of a deal. He realizes that he loves to make people laugh and they actually think he is funny.
6.    Write down your favorite description from this story where the character describes being embarrassed.
“I am filled with deeper horror than I have ever known.”

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