Friday, November 18, 2011

When In Rome...

In History class, Jessica is learning about ancient Rome. She will be hosting a roman forum. Check out her amazing invitation.

Ave mater, pater, and amici. You are cordially invited to the best roman forum of all the centuries, on the 16th in the year 356 ano domini at 11:30 am. Bring your best toga and gladiatorial shoes for libations and foods of the gods. Athena will make a guest appearance, so have your quills ready. A revered roman poet named aurelia guerinotus will read her prophecy of what will happen to our beloved empire.

Our menu: Authentic roman cuisine

§  “Wine”
§  Pumpkin Bread
§  Toasted almonds
§  Lemonade
§  Fresh fruits
Please send an rsvp to the home (email) of Aurelia (Jessica).

Gratias vobi ago!

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